Dental Lectures
Dental lectures are structured to give the dentist information about current technology and trends in dental technique and practices. These lectures are given by dentists who are credentialed with above average dentistry awards and years of dental practice knowledge.
Lectures are a large part of dental conferences. There are many given at dental shows and are the main idea that motivates dental conferences. Skilled dentists share their knowledge about up and coming dental practices and specialized skills in their particular dental field. Dental lectures are part of the continuing education curriculum and earn credit hours for the dentist. For many of these dental lectures there are limited seating and specific equipment needed for the lecture that may be loaned to the participating dentist with the purchase of his or her ticket.
Some topics that can be heard as a lecture at a dental conference are oral surgery techniques, review courses for exams given for that year, and an important primer for dentists who would like to receive a American General Dentistry Fellowship Award, digital image dentistry, sports injury dentistry, periodontic dentistry and many other of the multiple topics that are important to dental practice and the essential education of dentists.
Lectures are typically two hours long and are given in the morning and the afternoon. Some dental lectures are participatory, meaning they require a certain amount of hands on dentistry from the dentists signed up for the lecture. This ensures that the dentist truly understand the technique being shared by the lecturing dentist.